Improving Class When You Can’t Use the Room

Improving Class When You Can’t Use the Room

Posted by We Sell Mats on

Miraculously, schools in some areas somehow beat the odds and are now accepting in-person students after a tumultuous summer. That being said, an average day in class during the 2020-2021 school year will not be quite the same for some time, as districts come up with their best solution for warding off germ transmission. For better or worse, there’s no one size fits all solution for schools to return responsibly, some are staggering the student body, some are having class in the gym, some are even taking a more organic approach by teaching outside. Whichever way your school does it, there are things to consider when you take the classroom out of the picture.


Making Up for Lost Seats

According to the safety tips we’ve had hammered into our heads for months, being outside and staying apart helps tremendously with stopping the spread. But with having the entire school day in a spacious alternative place, comes a challenge that’s hard to overlook; the desks, chairs, supplies, and every other fundamental element of a classroom, practically disappears.

Wheeling out the whiteboard and passing out clipboards gets you halfway there, but since it likely won’t make sense to drag around the tables, chairs, and desks, the hard part is maintaining assigned seats that aren’t distractingly uncomfortable, on top of practicing social distancing. The classic carpet swatches may have worked for brief moments at a time more than a decade ago, but if you’re asking students to spend the whole day sitting in one spot, it’s time for a more modern approach. Foam tiles like you would find in a home gym or playroom may just be the perfect seat for the 2020 classroom, their impact absorption is ideal for long term use and they’re a cost effective way to seat a grid of several students with proper social distancing.

Once You Use Mats, You’ll Never Go Back

For schools seeking a quick and efficient way to improve the classroom whether its in an open field, the basketball court, or the parking lot, We Sell Mats’ multipurpose EVA foam tiles are a comfy way to seat students during class, lunchtime, and even in-place PE class. Finally, if your school is allowing small group work, our tiles’ interlocking design is great for students to connect their squares to create a larger collaborative space.

A time will come where students can return to a normal day at school, until then, We Sell Mats is happy to help improve less than conventional workspaces.

Check out more ways to add to the classroom, wherever that may be.

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